Diancie (MEGA) by MagicalChan on DeviantArt (Genevieve Sparks)
Diancie carves itself a niche in the metagame as an Yveltal check able to provide a lot of additional support to its team. Diancie's spread lets it be a good special wall, dealing with Pokemon such as Mega Manectric well while also helping it wall the Pokemon it's supposed to, such as Hydreigon, Rotom-H, and Kyurem. Get the Latest in Pokemon mega diancie.
Diancie turns into Mega Diancie when it uses Diancite.
Diancie carves itself a niche in the metagame as an Yveltal check able to provide a lot of additional support to its team.
It has a headdress which consists of pink crystals, four short ones cresting along top pointing upward and two long ones on either side of its head pointing downward, with a diamond-cut. Moonblast is Diancie's main STAB attack, dealing super effective damage to Dragon-, Dark-, and Fighting-types, such as Mega Altaria, Latios. Pokemon Coloring Pages Mega Diancie - From the thousand photos on-line concerning pokemon coloring pages mega diancie, choices the very best libraries using ideal quality just for you, and now this images is actually one of photographs libraries within our very best images gallery with regards to Pokemon Coloring Pages Mega Diancie.
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